German Cockroach

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German Cockroach

Size, Shape and Colour: Adult german cockroaches are 12-15mm in length, they are generally mid brown in colour, with a yellowish brown thorax, noticeable features are two dark brown stripes. Long antennae, winged and can fly in high humidity but not readily. Wing lengths differ between male and female. Wings full length in male but 2/3 length in the female.
Biology: Ootheca (egg casing) produced 4-8 per female each containing 30-40 eggs, incubation approx. 17 days at 30°C, Nymphs hatch from ootheca 1-2 days after female has deposited it, Nymphal stages 6-7 to adult, life span 128 days male and 153 the female.
Preferred Foods: Omnivorous including any organic matter including human waste.
Habitat: Warm moist environments also, inside switch boxes and plug sockets, motor housings and panels inside appliances, conduits and behind damaged tiles, etc. they can Can swim and will climb smooth surfaces easily. Once established in home and food premises this insect is often difficult to eradicate, this is due to it hiding in inaccessible places. To gain control and eradicate this pest a full comprehensive inspection will be required before any treatment to establish harbourages.